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Thursday 18 July 2013

Nirbhaya film Tara gets mired in controversy

The recently launched ‘Tara-The journey of love and passion “is being touted as a movie about a woman survive extreme hardships and film makers have focused on the Delhi-Nirbhaya gang rape victim. Promotion activities also saw AwnindraPratapPandey, Nirbhaya friend, who was with her on that cold December fateful night come out in support of the film., however, Pandey is now regretting his decision and accused those responsible for what misleading.

According to him, contrary to the assertion of the director Raj Kumar, the film is not at all about empowering women and manufacturers have been fooled. “I came to know many things about the creators of Tara. They were trying to sell the film based on false claims,” says Pandey. Make it clear that he will not talk about the movie, but still does not forget to mention, “Amitabh Bachchan told me that he had called for the film and Salman Khan are associated with human being. Neither of them is true.”

Raj not only criticized the allegations but Pandey also accused of demanding money to extend support to the film. “He has asked Rs 15 lakh. Already we have refused that, he and his team are talking bad about the movie. Has even threatened to take action against us for taking Nirbhaya film.’m Not cowering to these pressure tactics. had attended a series of promotional events, and I am grateful to him for that, “said Raj,
emphasizing that the film is dedicated to Nirbhaya and will remain so.

Tara's box office bomb: Why the 'tribute to Nirbhaya' movie failed,'Nirbhaya' film gets mired in controversy



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